select header image for invoice print in iGreen

Adjusting invoice print

You can adjust print of invoice in iGreen accounting as you want. Adjustable items are as :

  1. Header of Invoice
  2. Footer of Invoice
  3. VAT percent
  4. VAT Registration number (TRN no)

To adjust these items, from top menu click setting / Invoice setting

Invoice setting menu in iGreen accounting
Menu invoice setting

Header of Invoice

You can design a header for printing in invoice, its size should be 850 pixel X 190 Pixel.

First of all click on [Image for invoice header in print], and you see form as below

select header image for invoice print for iGreen accounting
select header image for invoice print, step 1

then click on browse and select a photo from your PC or Labtop.

for example we select a header image as below

Sample header image for invoice print
Sample header image

result will be :

select header image for invoice print in iGreen
select header image for invoice print

Now, when you issue an invoice and click on print, you will see real print as below:

Real printed invoice with header image in iGreen
Real printed invoice with header image