Category: Air travel

  • Passengers list in Travel Agency section

    Passengers list in Travel Agency section

    For any travel agency, it is very important to have a list of all passengers in good format. In travel agency section of iGreen software, you can manage list of all passengers with the most wanted reports . For every passenger, you can add Passports as you want but each passport is unique for one…

  • New version 2.4

    In version we are working on Air agency section of iGreen software to make it more user friendly for travel agencies in Dubai and other cities of United Arab Emirates. Forms of travel agency in iGreen Passports Passengers Visa Tickets Hotels Tours In Passports form, you can add scan of passports also easily and…

  • Passengers Management

    Passengers Management

    Managing passengers in iGreen’s air travel agency software is a breeze. Simply navigate to the travel agency section and select the appropriate form for your needs, whether it be Visa, Tickets, or Hotel. From there, you can easily manage your passengers and their information. Don’t waste any more time with complicated software – switch to…


    Tickets are the best products that any air agency could offers to its clients and air passengers in iGreen, ticket entry form includes 3 sections: Ticket Voucher Ticket information Passenger information Ticket voucher This section includes related information about accounting voucher of ticket as Date, Remarks, sales person and LPO type Note: You can adjust…


    In the realm of air travel agencies, it is common practice to provide customers with visa and air ticketing services. However, at iGreen IT Infrastructure , we take it a step further by offering a comprehensive visa entry form that includes three distinct sections. These sections are as follows: 1- Voucher information 2-Visa information 3-Passenger…



    Dubai city has a high volume of flights, with over 400 per day from its airports. For businesses with the title “Travel Agency”, it is mandatory to have an accounting software with travel agency modules to manage financial transactions and cash flow effectively. This includes a special version of the application to enter vouchers for…